Staten Island Ferry

The Staten Island Ferry is the only non-vehicular mode of transportation between Staten Island and Manhattan. Run by the city of New York, the Ferry provides commuter services to approximately 70,000 passengers a day or 22 million people annually, from its terminal in lower Manhattan. Referred to as the ‘People’s Ferry’, it is the best bargain in the City as passengers ride for free, a promise kept by former Mayor Rudy Guiliani to the borough that helped win his election in 1997.

My first ride on the Ferry occurred when my parents came to visit me shortly after I had moved to the City. The 25 minute ride started with a great view of the lower Manhattan skyline and had a perfect view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island - both with out the lines of waiting tourists. My folks loved it and I was hooked.

Now, I ride the Ferry every time I find myself downtown. It is a great way to get a snack, see the sights and do some people watching in the city. As it is primarily a commuter ferry, I most enjoy the rush hour trips - morning or evening - when the boat is packed with folks either going to or returning home from work, school, or a special event in the City.

For New Yorkers, the best way to get to the Staten Island Ferry is by subway - but that’s another story.


